interspecies love

So I wrote a few days ago about my dog, Murphy, having an obsession with my dirty panties. Today I threw my clothes on the bathroom floor while I showered. After showering I went to put them in the laundry basket & sure enough my panties were already gone. I had put my shorts & t-shirt on top of my panties… he must’ve dug through the clothes to get to them! I found my panties in his crate with him.


Well, everything makes more (creepy) sense after this weekend…. I’ve had some weird instances with Murphy & men.


 First: I had a guy friend in town a few weeks ago. Every time he came over Murphy would bark & growl. This man & I have very strong feelings for each other.


Second: My neighbor downstairs is a younger guy with a new wife & baby. Murphy has never growled or barked or ran away from him. Ever.


Third: While walking Murphy one night last week in our apartment complex this younger guy came up to me to say hi & kinda flirted a bit & was trying to pet Murphy. Murphy kept barking & growling & trying to run away from him.


Fourth: My friend & her boyfriend came over yesterday to install something in my apartment for me. Murphy never growled or barked at her boyfriend. It was like he didn’t even care if the guy was there or not.


This brings me to the awkward conclusion that my dog is completely in love with me. The only men he growls at are men that are interested in me, & he has a dirty panty fetish. I’m not gonna lie, this makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. Has anyone else had an experience like this? Is this normal??

I think I need to have “the talk” with him… I don’t date outside of my species. Man, he’s gonna be so heartbroken…..

panty fetish

So the baby fever I’ve been having turned into puppy fever. A few weeks ago I broke down & finally bought a dog: a 5yr old long hair chihuahua named Murphy. Super adorable, listens great, & never potties in the apartment even if I work a long shift & can’t take a lunch to go let him out.



He looks so innocent......



But damn I’m not used to dogs. I’ve always been a cat lady. I talk to my cat, Emma, like she’s a person lol. My friends tease me saying its weird; meh I don’t really care.


But Murphy, jesus he sheds EVERYwhere, constantly wants his belly rubbed (which is awkward cuz his penis & balls are like RIGHT THERE), & he randomly drags my clothes around the apartment.


I have to make sure to put my dirty clothes in my tall laundry basket; if I forget & leave them on the floor then he’ll end up dragging the socks & panties to different spots around the apartment.


Tonight was weird though. When I got home from work tonight I was changing into my jammies & putting the clothes I just took off into the laundry basket. I saw the pink panties I changed out of that morning lying on the floor next to the laundry basket.


‘Weird… I know I put them in the basket this morning..?’


(sorry, about to get too TMI…)

I picked them up & the crotch of them were like hard like they were really wet & had dried or something. My first thought was WTF? It’s that time of the month so I’ve had a tampon in, so I couldn’t imagine how they’d gotten so wet?


Then I looked closer, & saw little holes/bite marks. In the crotch of my dirty panties.


Wow. My dog, Murphy, had somehow gotten them out of the laundry basket (not hard to do cuz it’s like overflowing right now lol) & was chewing on the CROTCH of my DIRTY PANTIES. And apparently slobbering all over them.


I’m more creeped out than I am mad that he put holes in a fairly new pair of panties.


I should’ve just stuck with having cats. I think this is making me understand his fear of men more…. maybe he just gets super jealous.